7th March 2025
With the blessed month of Ramadan upon us, here's our list of mosques across the UK that are hosting Taraweeh prayers for women.
Please share Muslimah
with friends and family so more people can benefit. This is by no means an exhaustive list and if we’re missing a mosque, reach out to Muslimah on
Instagram or
Twitter so we can help more women to take part in Taraweeh prayers.
This list was last updated at 21:55 on 7th March 2025
Regions: North London, East London, West London, South London, Central London, SE England, SW England, East of England, Midlands, Yorkshire & The Humber, NE England, NW England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland
May Allah accept our worship during the days of Ramadan, allow us to draw nearer to Him and make us of the just. Ameen.
Muslimah is the very first app for Muslim women with local mosque prayer times, prayer space locator to locate female friendly prayer spaces, salah adhkar pop ups and more! We make it easy to fit life around faith with just a tap on your smartphone! Download here.
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