Frequently Asked Questions

Muslimah is an app that can instantly locate prayer spaces from Mosques to multi-faith centres and most importantly identify whether spaces are female friendly. It is designed with the Muslimah user in mind and is the only Islamic app tailored for Muslim women.
  • Why isn't my app available to download in my country?

    A. Currently, our database has prayer spaces and mosques in the UK and Canada. We have an international launch planned in the forseen future in shaa'Allah.

  • Why can't I view the homepage on the app?

    Please contact us on team@muslimahapp.com

  • How can I change my local mosque?

    On the homepage click ‘More’>' Settings'> 'Change my local mosque' and choose from the list

  • My local mosque is not listed on the app.

    Our databases are always expanding and we are able to add your local mosque upon request. Simply email us on team@muslimahapp.com with the heading 'Prayer times query.'

Need more help?

We will be happy to answer any questions you have about Muslimah! Simply fill out our contact form below and we aim to be in touch within 3 - 7 working days.

Contact Us

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